Trolling Not Allowed

Trolling Not Allowed! Comments from anonymous trolls are not permitted and are deleted if posted by the offending pest.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Naysayers B Gone

I am so frustrated by all the naysayers.
In my many years of civic, charitable, community, political, and other organizational involvement along with my professional career, I never did care for the people who spent an enormous amount of time and energy to criticize this and criticize that and criticize whatever other persons did do or did not do. That has been in the real world of face-to-face interpersonal relationships.
Nowadays, the frequency of the naysayers' constant crying is even worse given the wide wonderful world of the web with the appearance of legions of anonymous internet message board posters and bloggers. These moronic pseudonym mush-brains do nothing but cause turmoil and stir the pots of animosity.
I wish to make it perfectly clear that I am not making reference to those persons using pseudonyms who express their concerns based on some rationale which they have enumerated, who may complain and give reasons for those complaints, who use factual bases for their disenfranchisement, or who put forth suggestions for improvements and on ways in which those improvements may be effectuated. Those persons have earned credibility. Even if I do not know their true identity, even though I may not always agree with them, they have earned my trust, my confidence, and respect. I only wish they would use their real life every-day names, but I have come to understand why some people choose to use a pseudonym.
I am referencing the cowards who just complain - period. They do nothing more than to tear down the city, the mayor, the 'government', candidates, politicians, public programs, this, that, and everything else. They call others vicious names for whatever masochistic joy that they may receive from doing so. They destroy. They do not build. Then, the jackals have the unmitigated gall to say their criticisms are "positive" contributions. Those subhumans have absolutely no credibility - zero - nada - zip.
Sign me "anonymous" and I am out of here.


Roland Hansen said...

One perfect example of a person whose identity remains unknown to me at this point in time but for whom I have the utmost respect while not necessarily always in agreement goes by the pseudonym of Hooda_Thunkit.

Unknown said...

It can get frustrating at times, while the internet can be a great place for discussion like any format there are always going to be those who focus more on what's wrong rather than what's right. I think part of the problem is people are less civil when they are not face to face, it's easy for some to write words that are more hateful when sitting behind a keyboard.

(Congrats on blog #2)


Roland Hansen said...

You've got a good point there. Thanks.
And, thanks for the congrats --- I think.