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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Ben Konop: In The Public Eye

Ben Konop sure knows how to keep in the public eye. In my 36 years of experience in the Lucas County political arena, I have never come across a County Commissioner, especially one in the position of being the junior Commissioner, whom has had such extensive media exposure in so brief a timeframe.
If you are a resident of Lucas County, Ohio and whether you think this thing about Ben Konop constantly being in the media is good, bad, or if you are indifferent toward it, the fact remains that the Lucas County Board of Commissioners has been the recipient of much positive mass media exposure since Ben Konop took office in January 2007. That aspect, if nothing else, is a very refreshing change.
I see no need to make any further comment other than to suggest you read "I have to admit he stays in the spotlight" from Chili Dog Blog.

1 comment:

Judy said...

So where is Tina and Pete hiding out? When did they make Ben the spokesperson for the trio? I'm sure Tina will be front and center for the grand opening of Costco in Westgate!