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Sunday, February 25, 2018

The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution. Repeal Time.

The full and complete text of the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution as adopted on December 15, 1791, and as it still reads today, is as follows:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Cambridge Dictionary Online defines militia as
a military force that operates only some of the time and whose members are not soldiers in a permanent army: Each militia represents one of the country’s political factions.
That sure sounds like the definition for the National Guard in the United States of America to me.

Cambridge Dictionary Online has this definition of National Guard:
the state military force that is available for service in state and federal emergencies
And, the following is the National Guard definition from Collins Dictionary Online:
National Guard in the U.S., the organized militia forces of the individual states, a component of the Army of the U.S. when called into active federal service
In the United States, the National Guard is a military force within an individual state, which can be sent on a mission by either the state or national government if there is an emergency.
That brings me to this:

Putting into the perspective the times of today as compared to the times of 1791, it is my opinion that the time is now to Repeal the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution.

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