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Friday, October 4, 2013

Roland Louis Hansen Talks DIRT!

Our adversarial political system in the United States of America has run rampant with name-calling, finger-pointing, laying of blame, and downright nastiness. The end result is nothing gets done for the betterment of our nation as a whole. Well, I have something to say about it.

"The name-calling needs to stop. The personal attacks and belittling of individuals based solely on different political perspective needs to stop. All Americans need to pull together. Divisiveness will not accomplish anything positive. It is time for what I call some real D.I.R.T., i.e. Democrats, Independents, (and) Republicans (working) Together. If we, the American people, set aside the distrust, if we set aside the hostility, if we set aside the verbal tirades, if we set aside the casting of stones, if we set aside pointing out blame, if we set aside pettiness, we just might be able to work together for the mutual benefit of all Americans." - Roland Louis Hansen


CWMartin said...

And it starts with being willing to talk. To open the floor to honest debate, with real listening. Hmm, instead of the current government, perhaps we should be ruled by our credit union, insurance company, or investment counselor, because that's what THEY do...

CWMartin said...

And it starts with being willing to talk. To open the floor to honest debate, with real listening. Hmm, instead of the current government, perhaps we should be ruled by our credit union, insurance company, or investment counselor, because that's what THEY do...