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Saturday, June 30, 2018

A Country Divided - The United States of America

I have not seen our country as divided, as polarized, as it is today since the Viet Nam era. Indeed, I think the present division in America today is far worse with hatred being spewed forth ftom the current occupant in the White House against other Americans.

Discourse at the highest level of our American National Government has turned American against American, even worse than it did during the Viet Nam Era or the American Civil War itself!

Recently, a person with whom I am acquainted addressed an interesting question to me via an internet social media site in regards to civil (political) discussion in the United States of America. The following is the response I gave the person on that social media site:
"I will try to answer your specific question of "What has happened to civil discussions?" to the best of my abillity.
In my humble opinion, civil discussion in America has diminished greatly since the vocal political conservative minority captured the White House.
While the majority of American voters actually voted for someone other than the current occupant, the current Oval Office occupant received the majority of the vote from the 'electors' in the Electoral College.
The bottom line was the result that the vocal political conservative minority successfully moved America into an abyss where all rules of civility have been cast aside; and, the United States of America is now led by a person who espouses intolerance and hatred.
The leader of the vocal political conservative minority is The Great Divider, Donald J. Trump, who regularly and consistently belittles Arabs, Mexicans, Muslims, persons of color, members of the Press, athletes who exercise freedom of speech, the elected leaders of our country's European allies, political rivals, Democrats in general, and any person who disagrees with him."