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Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Is Civil War brewing in the United States of America?

Politics in the United States of America: 
The nastiest I have ever experienced in my seven decades of life, thanks to Donald John Trump and his political conservative supporters who advocate hate and intolerance.

Take a look-see and read two articles from The Washington Post:
Politics, The latest sign of political divide: Shaming and shunning public officials, Mary Jordan, June 24 at 7:54 PM
The Fix - Analysis, Maxine Waters shows why the Sarah Huckabee Sanders-Red Hen story is extremely important, Aaron Blake, June 25 at 11:49 AM
And, from CNN, take a look at:
Politics. Maxine Waters encourages supporters to harass Trump administration officials, Jamie Ehrlich, CNN, Updated 2:02 PM ET, Mon June 25, 2018
Donald J. Trump is The Great Divider. According to Trump and his die-hard Supporters, all facts are fake. Trump and his politically conservative adherents live in an alternative universe that has an alternative reality consisting of alternative facts. Both 'The Twilight Zone' and 'Sliders' are reflective of their type of reality.

Today, the United States of America has The Trumpster who gets his jollies putting people in his Hate Dumpster. Instead of making America great again, Trump is tearing America apart again!

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