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Wednesday, November 23, 2016

The USA Should Adopt The Danish Health Care System

Awhile back I published a Roland Hansen Commentary entitled Obama Basher Spinners that addressed a concern I had regarding those people who just wanted to belittle and demonize President Barack Obama with reckless disregard to truth and who routinely dismissed and criticized anyone who did not subscribe to the "Obama Basher" perspective.

In that commentary, I reproduced a photo originally published by "Right Wing News" that was shared on Facebook by Pat Benson, a former high school classmate of mine from the early and mid 1960s. The link to that photo no longer works in that commentary. However, the rest of my commentary remains intact.

If you go over to read it, you will see that I wrote of an exchange I had with Pat Benson on Facebook in which the topic of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and the Danish Health System was broached. In the exchange, I suggested that she "and everyone else take a look at the health care system of Denmark." I further stated "The simple thrust of what I have written is that I wish the issue of adequate, sufficient, and affordable health care for all Americans would have been made available throughout the years."

It has been and still remains my firm belief that the United States of America should revise its health care system to be more like The Danish Health Care System. [Please open the preceding embedded link to read about the Danish health care system.]

I would also like to suggest the following for further reading:

OPINION, The Denver Post
Health care in Denmark
September 3, 2009 

THE BLOG, The Huffington Post
What Can We Learn From Denmark?
Sen. Bernie Sanders 
U.S. Senator from Vermont

Come January 20, 2017, the new incoming United States Congress and President-Elect Donald Trump have the opportunity to revise the Affordable Care Act.

When President-Elect Donald Trump takes office, the right wing of American politics will be in control of all three branches of government in the United States of America.

I wonder if they, these right wing politicos, have the chutzpah, have the concern for ALL Americans, and have the political fortitude to do the right thing by modeling the American Health Care system after that of Denmark.

As I entitled this Roland Hansen Commentary,
The USA Should Adopt The Danish Health Care System

1 comment:

CWMartin said...

I wonder if that system could work for a place like our country. The key concern being, "it should promote efficiency, be of high quality, and enable free choice of provider by users". Even in the UK, we see the concerns over quality being ignored time after time, and when you look at the VA, you see how totally the federal government would louse such a system up. So maybe the first question to ask is, "How would we get the government to support and resource county-level administration without them injecting themselves into the equation?" Then comes the problem of the drug companies overcharging for drugs, hospitals tacking on often frivolous charges- in other words how to keep the problems that are broken now from injecting THEMselves into the mix?