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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Life and Times of Dale Pertcheck. Bonus Bubbles: Dale Pertcheck in the Swamp.

Some year ago, my wife, Judy of Judy's Jewels and of Judy Hansen Commentary fame, put together a surprise party in honor of my 60th birthday that was to occur the following week. I wrote about it in my other blog, i.e. Roland's Ramblings, in which I mentioned Dale Pertcheck.

Below is an excerpt from that blog entry:
"My longest-time best friends, Dale Pertcheck (who is mentioned in the embedded link to an entry of Glass City Jungle) and his wife, Kathie (nee Rosenberg), of 45 years made darn sure I knew my place. All the roasts were good but I gotta tell ya, Dale’s roast made sure everyone knew exactly the type of guy I am. I’ll get even with him later. Dale should win an Emmy or an Oscar or whatever for his monologue!" 
ref:  Freddie, Posted on November 18, 2007

So, true to my word, this Roland Hansen Commentary is for my friend of 50 or so years, Dale Pertcheck.

When he was a young man, Dale worked in his father's jewelry store that had originally been in downtown Toledo, Ohio but was relocated in 1957 to the Swayne Field Shopping Center. He later went to college and became a public school teacher in Toledo City Schools. During his 35+ years of teaching, Dale was very active in the teachers' union, not just a member but actively involved by holding responsible positions in the local Toledo Federation of Teachers, in the statewide Ohio Federation of Teachers, and in the national American Federation of Teachers.

Dale has always been quite the creative, academic, well-spoken and well-written intellectual; and, he has written many letters to newspapers, such as the December 10, 1995 Toledo Blade "Letter to the Editor" entitled "Undeserving slam on teacher pact", and the July 25, 2011 Toledo Free Press "Letter To The Editor entitled "Letter: Deconstructing Flagg."

Dale retired from his teaching and union postions almost two years ago, but he has remained active in a variety of ways. One example, Dale still plays softball, something he has done every year for the past almost 60 years. Dale Pertcheck loves his softball times. Heck, Dale has even been recognized for being 59+ League & Tourney Champs Manager.

When not busy with softball, Dale is very much involved and active in the lives of his children and grandchildren.

Dale has also been extremely active in writing on a variety of internet blogs, forums, bulletin boards, etc. His longest running and most extensive foray in the writing cyberworld is over at SwampBubbles. If you click over this-a-way, you can see the SwampBubbles Track of Dale Pertcheck. And, if you click over this-a-way, you may explore the search results on SwampBubbles itself in regards to Dale.

An internet search of Dale Pertcheck via Bing renders these results. And you can also check out search results for Dale Pertcheck on hakia, Dogpile, and Google.

1 comment:

Philip Verghese 'Ariel' said...

Hi Roland,
Nice to be here,
Thanks for visiting my page
Lot of info. to check it here
Will comeback again to read more
Keep informed
Thanks for the connected links, I mean a lot of links in this single post, that sometimes take the reader to another to again to another and lastly sometimes may not come back to the original one LOL
ANyways I am here aroung
Keep informed