The recent actions of the Republican members in the Ohio General Assembly have left me aghast and more aghast.
Are there many elected Ohio Republican criminal state legislators, a few elected Ohio Republican criminal state legislators, or no elected Ohio Republican criminal state legislators?
We may never know the answer.
Read the Glass City Jungle blog entry of Lisa Renee entitled "GOP blocks criminal checks for legislators."
However, we can rest easy knowing that barber's have to go through some type of a background check even with the amendment that was passed, a conviction can possibly stop someone from cutting hair...
Thanks, Lisa Renee. I feel much safer now in knowing that.
You have to wonder, who has something to hide. And, since we can't find that out, they are all suspect.
Personally, I think ALL running for office should have their "records" made public. . .
But hey, that's just me... :-)
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