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Saturday, November 3, 2007

Whiners are Wienies not Winners

I often hear people whine about this, moan about that, complain about everything, and criticize everyone. More often than not, the crybabies do nothing, contribute nothing, sit at the sidelines, and remain uninvolved. They let others take an active role in the community, run for elective office, volunteer in charitable organizations, and serve in leadership positions. Then they cry, bemoan, grouse, and belittle anything and everything done by the civic-minded community activists and the elected officials. They call candidates for elective office and elected officials such names as dirty corrupt politicians. The do-nothing whining wienies want to know every little minor detail no matter how personal about those public servants who must basically live their lives in a fishbowl. On top of that, while the wienies want elected officials and other civic-minded, community-involved, citizen-activist leaders to live lives of perfect sainthood, they demand our leaders be common, every-day, Joe and Jill average people. Hypocrisy abounds! Ninety-five percent of the people leave the real work to the remaining five percent AND then have the unmitigated gall to say those five percent are crooked self-serving morons.
I say the whiners are wienies. I say the people who serve our community and our country, including those with whom I may disagree, are the heroes and that their public service results with the general public being the winners.
I thank all those who serve the public. I wish all people would take an active part in serving the community. I encourage everyone to vote.
So, what do you readers of Roland Hansen Commentary have to say to this latest (and repetitive) diatribe of Roland Hansen?
For those who do not share your thoughts, I ask: are you one of the wienie whiners; are you too busy or too lazy to put forth your own thoughts; are you just too darn apathetic OR WHAT???? YOU whiners, you wienies, you chronic complainers, you lackluster sideliners ARE THE PROBLEM.


Unknown said...

It does get frustrating at times, but sometimes people who were really involved get burned out by it all, both the lack of people who do volunteer and those who complain.

Then there are moments like tonight when I was down at Tent City and there were lots of volunteers, lots of people who were there because they cared. It kind of gives you hope that there are more people out there that actually do something as opposed to arm chair quarterbacking everything.

Is it wrong to complain? I don't think it is unless you get to the point where you never offer solutions and only offer critique, if you concentrate more on the negative than the positive. I love my children, yet those moments when I complain about every day frustrations doesn't take away from their accomplishments.

I do however totally agree with you when it comes to the microscope we use to look at our elected officials/future candidates, the way we peer into their private lives and at times even drag their families into it when the family members aren't the ones running for office. I believe the way we treat our elected officials is the very reason why some really good people out there decide they'd never run for office.

Roland Hansen said...

Lisa Renee,
You bring up several good points. I, myself, probably fit the category you mention in your first sentence.
Another part of your comment really hits home in that it better points out those of whom are the object of my frustration. That is: "Is it wrong to complain? I don't think it is unless you get to the point where you never offer solutions and only offer critique, if you concentrate more on the negative than the positive."
Those are the folks to whom I reference. It just seems to me that there are far more people like that than there are people who offer positive involvement.
Another comment you made is also right on the money from my perspective. That is: "I believe the way we treat our elected officials is the very reason why some really good people out there decide they'd never run for office."

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...


Bring this up again in say, 6 months and I'll have a suitable (and possibly lengthy) response for you ;-)

Roland Hansen said...

You can be assured I will bring it up again and again and again. I look forward to what should be an extremely interesting commentary from none other than Hooda Thunkit, my most favorite anonymous blogger who has earned my respect.

mud_rake said...

I think, before attempting to answer this serious question we establish this fact: are the whiner wieners 100% beef wieners? One might further ask: are they kosher, the wieners, not the whiners, although some whiners keep kosher?

Do you think Oscar Mayer was one of those whining wienies? After all, he spent his entire adult life up to his elbows in the weenie business: bratwurst, liverwurst and weiƟwurst.

Some say his liverwurst was the worst of the wienies he made. Yet I think the worst wurst were the wienies. I might add in conclusion, and you might agree that Oscar Mayer has a way with B-O-L-O-G-N-A.

By the way, what wine do you suggest the whiners drink with their wienies?