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Thursday, January 5, 2023

Some Random Thoughts About People In General

After having lived 75 years, it is my opinion that the vast majority of people are egocentric (not to be confused with egotistic), but fail to recognize or admit that they possess that personality characteristic. Many people are avid practitioners of egocentrism. They believe that the world revolves around them; and, they expect everyone else to conform to that belief by acting accordingly. If not, well, then you are toast!

People generally only want to hear what they want to hear. They do not want blunt honesty, they do not want to hear opinions or advice, even when they ask for it; they do not really care what you have to say. People want you to agree with them, they want you to sympathize with them, they want you to listen to whatever they wish to talk about without any feedback, they just want attention.

Far too many people throw other people away far too easily. Also, far too many people are too quick to run away from life challenges and do not even attempt to resolve or cope with those challenging difficulties. 

Many people do not truly place value on friendships. It seems that there are alot of people who throw away a friend or even a family member at the drop of a hat. For the most part, people are not willing to work at maintaining or improving interpersonal relationships.

All too often, people forget all the past good deeds and personal assistance rendered by others, such as their friends and relatives. These type of people just turn their heels on a dime and throw those friends and relatives under the bus at a moment’s whim.

People can have a long standing, close interpersonal relationship with another person, but then just fade away or suddenly pull away from that other person, and become someone whose words, behaviors, and actions are no longer recognizable to the person with whom they were once close. 

Many people blame other people for their own misgivings. They refuse to accept responsibility and be accountable for their own words and actions.

Most people formulate their opinions and jump to conclusions based on their own personal bias, prejudice, preconceived notions, and ego with total disregard to facts. I am reminded of this saying: "Don't confuse me with the facts, my mind is made up."

Many people totally lack civility in their political discourse with others when there is a difference of political opinion. Those people do not believe in being respectful of others when expressing opposing views. Instead, those folks find it necessary to personally attack the messenger (the individual person with whom they have a difference of opinion), becoming verbally abusive in a bullying manner rather than providing an intelligent point-counterpoint dialog based on facts, as opposed to hearsay.

Far, far too many Americans vote for increasing the size of their personal pocketbook rather than voting for increased opportunities of social development for all.

Regardless of claiming to be a positive person, most people tend to think in negative terms.

Far too many people say “I’ll call you tomorrow” or “I’ll see you tomorrow” or “We’ll get together soon” or any other number of things like that - and then, they fail to follow through.

People say something like they wish they were closer to their families, or they wish their family was closer, or they wish they had kept in better touch with their family members, or, or, or ….. And then do nothing about it. They do nothing to work at those family ties and bonds. 

As life goes on, many people think about the roads or paths not taken. Many people look back on the paths they have taken in life and express regrets. When they do so, they may think to themselves something in tune with the expression “I woulda, coulda, shoulda.” Even so, they continue upon the same old path without any real effort at making changes, let alone improvements. Then, at the next funeral they attend, they say “I wish I had …..” And still, nothing changes!

People are quick to find and point out faults in others of which they are extremely critical. They will even discontinue interpersonal relationships with others because of those "undesirable" personality characteristics. The irony is that oftentimes those judgmental people have the same characteristics within themselves that they fail to recognize.

People who treat others badly, or in a less-than-nice way, do not like it, and will even play the victim, when other people treat them that same way.