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Friday, November 18, 2022

Am I going to Hell?

November 18, 2022. 9:00 p.m.

I just read a disturbing post on a person's Facebook that has left me livid. Apparently, the person who posted it did one of those copy and paste things. I will be 75 years old in one week and I am shocked that someone I have known since childhood and who knows that I am Jewish would be so insensitive as to post it being aware that I would be a recipient of its message.

I have placed a full copy of that posting in its entirity below. Upon reading it, it seems to me that I am being told that I am going to Hell because I am Jewish. What are your thoughts?

Let's be clear.  If you end up in a burning hell for all eternity, it won't be because you have a tattoo, or because you have a nose ring, or because you drink beer or smoke cigarettes, or because you cuss, or because you spent time in prison. It won't be because you didn't do enough good deeds. It won't be because you didn't belong to the right church. It won't be because of that dumb thing you did that you don't want anybody to know about. It won't be because of what anyone else did to you.  

It will be because you refused to receive Jesus Christ (God the Son) as your personal Savior.  He already paid for all the stupid stuff you have done and all the stupid stuff you are going to do when He died FOR YOU on the cross and rose again. He offers salvation as a free gift because, let's face it, if it was up to us to earn it, we would have no chance (We both know that, don't we?).

 The gift of salvation is there for you to receive. 💓 The decision is totally up to you. The price for your sins has been paid, the way to heaven for you has been made. If you end up in a burning hell for all eternity, you have no one to blame but yourself.

—copied and pasted

 Anti-Semitism is on the rise throughout the world, including the United States of America where hate crimes against Jews have been dramatically increasing.


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