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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Dawning of The Age of Coronavirus: Maak It or Casket

Remember the phrase "Click it or Ticket" and the laws that have been adapted requiring seat belt use while riding in automobiles and trucks?

Opponents have hated seatbelts and the laws requiring them; but, seatbelts have saved lives.

Nowadays, with the onslaught and the worldwide spread of coronavirus, there have been public and private calls for social distancing and the wearing of facial masks when out in public among other people.

Opponents of these health safety precautions hate these infringements on their individual freedom and have selfishly and uncaringly refused to comply with social distancing and wearing masks in public.

Perhaps the phrase "Mask it or Casket" and laws requiring the use of masks while among other people in public should be adapted for the same reason as in the case of seatbelts, i.e. saving lives.

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