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Thursday, February 7, 2019

The Psychology of a Donald J. Trump Supporter

Can avid supporters of Donald J. Trump, who I sometimes refer to as Trumpeteers, Trumpettes, Trumpsters, and/or Twitlerites, be analyzed using the scientific method?

According to an article in Psychology Today, one study concluded that there are five major psychological phenomena that help explain the extreme devotion and unwavering admiration of Trumpeteers for the highly unpredictable and often inflammatory Donald J. Trump:
  1. Authoritarian Personality Syndrome
  2. Social dominance orientation
  3. Prejudice
  4. Intergroup contact
  5. Relative deprivation
An Analysis of Trump Supporters Has Identified 5 Key TraitsA new report sheds light on the psychological basis for Trump's support.Posted Dec 31, 2017
The Pacific Standard publshed an article reporting that one social scientific study of Trumpsters concluded they are driven by a combination of racial resentment and authoritarianism, and that another social scientific study concluded that support for Trump is associated with authoritarian aggression.
INSIDE THE MINDS OF HARDCORE TRUMP SUPPORTERSNew research finds the president's earliest and strongest followers embody a particularly belligerent strain of authoritarian thinking.TOM JACOBS, FEB 15, 2018
Being in agreement with the findings of the afore-mentioned studies, I conclude with what could very well be a standard response on the various social media sites to Trumpeteers, Trumpettes, Trumpsters, and Twitlerites as follows:

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