Trolling Not Allowed

Trolling Not Allowed! Comments from anonymous trolls are not permitted and are deleted if posted by the offending pest.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Fake American Patriots

American political conservatives who continue to clamor about the "fake news" as defined by Donald J. Trump while at the same time ignoring and/or defending the numerous documented lies spewed by Hitleresque, xenophobic, sexual predator Donald J. Trump are Fake American Patriots.


Roland Hansen said...

Open the following embedded link to read a comment in response to this Roland Hansen Commentary that was placed on my twitter feed.

In the event that the author removes his responding tweet, I am placing a copy of it here, as follows:
"Wow. Dump everybody into one group. Makes it so easy for you. If that's the way you feel, I can see that the friendship we had based on actually discussing issues rather than spewing hate is over. I hope one day you see how much it has hurt you. Peace out."

In my opinion, its author has shown his hypocrisy in that he himself has a long history of lumping people with whom he disagrees into his own little groupings, many of which he has referenced with negative and vicious labels.

Roland Hansen said...

Oh, well!
So much for Chris Martin (aka CWMartin) being a loving, compassionate, forgiving, understanding, tolerant practicing Christian!

Mr. Martin is the person who authored the tweet I copied, pasted, and placed in my previous comment to this Roland Hansen Commentary entitled Fake American Patriots. It's a good thing I did that because I can no longer view his tweets and twitter feed while logged into Twitter.

Here is the message I receive when I try to do so: "chris martin/@scrappybooogle - You are blocked from following @scrappybooogle and viewing @scrappybooogle's Tweets."

Sad, so sad, so very sad. I guess I was mistaken about Chris' honesty of purpose and of his being a 'real true Christian' (a phrase I use with respect when referencing people who faithfully follow the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth and who consciously practice Christianity as I believe Jesus intended).

Roland Hansen said...

WOW!!! Take a look at this.

Roland Hansen said...

Actually, it is possible to view a person's tweets without logging into Twitter or even having a Twitter account. Take a look-see at this.
And then, look here.