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Friday, October 27, 2017

Whiners and Complainers. Shakers and Movers.

If you are a whiner and a complainer, you skip elections and do not vote.
If you are a whiner and a complainer, you sit back while others are working for the community good.
If you are a whiner and a complainer, you observe egocentrism and do not get involved in public interest organizations.
If you are a whiner and a complainer, you let others do the work in the religious, civic, community, fraternal, charitable, labor, business, and professional organizations of which you may be a member.
If you are a whiner and a complainer, you allow injustice to exist.

See also: Whiners are Wienies not Winners

If you are a shaker and a mover, you exercise your right to vote.
If you are a shaker and a mover, you take an active role in community affairs.
If you are a shaker and a mover, you participate in public interest organizations.
If you are a shaker and a mover, you take a leadership role rather than just being a follower in the religious, civic, community, fraternal, charitable, labor, business, and professional organizations of which you may be a member.
If you are a shaker and a mover, you try to right the unrightable wrong.


Judy said...

Given the climate of what is going on in the world, I dare say as a whole, we are being lead by a Whiner and that leaves room for a host of nothing but complainers.It is sad, that we as the elders of our community, see such a downward trend of new Movers and Shakers! Oh sure, there are some new hopefuls, but they need the population as a whole to come together for the good of all, not just some!

Roland Hansen said...

Your comment gives pause for poignant thought, Judy. I sadly agree with your perspective as it relates to the socio-political climate in the United States of America today. I thought the civil rights and Viet Nam era were polarizing; however, in my nearly 50 years of adult involvement in civic affairs, I have not seen such divisiveness as it is today with Donald J Trump as the poster "whiner" for vast numbers of Americans.

Judy said...

This post also gives me pause as I continue to think of all the people I know who do nothing but complain about everyone and everything around them! They have the knowledge and opportunity to impact a change. But they continue to just whine about it all! I saw a need to help the kids and the community. I ran for a seat on a local school board three times, served for 12 years on that board! I made a difference, yet those close to me didn't see it. Some even made comments that put me down! Well I've chosen the high road and only lift those folks up who do more than talk!