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Sunday, May 12, 2013

Not a Happy Mothers Day; and, No Happy Birthday, either!

Today is Mother's Day here in the United States of America.

Mother's Day in the United States has become so commercialized and no longer really meets its original established intention as a holiday.

In fact, read this excerpt of an article that I found:
The American incarnation of Mother’s Day was created by Anna Jarvis in 1908 and became an official U.S. holiday in 1914. Jarvis would later denounce the holiday’s commercialization and spent the latter part of her life trying to remove it from the calendar.
You may read that entire article from by clicking onto the embedded link as follows:
Mother's Day

My mother, Pearl Hansen (nee Perel Lerman), died in 1984. Since that time (and even before her death) not one single day has ever gone by that I have not thought of my mother; and I am now 65 years old.

That being said, for the life of me, I cannot understand why so many people write "Happy Mother's Day" in regards to their own deceased mother on internet social media networks, such as Facebook. To me, that is just plain sick, if not totally stupid. The decedent is dead! DEAD - did you read that! DEAD - do you hear me? How the hell can the dead mother have a happy day??? DUH!!!!


And, by the way, that same line of reasoning of mine is applicable in wishing a dead father a Happy Father's Day OR a dead mother OR a dead anyone else, for that matter, a happy birthday. DUMB! JUST PLAIN DUMB!

But, this is all just my own personal opinion, and many people not only disagree with me, they also are offended by my expression of my opinion on this topic of wishing dead people a happy day for any occasion.


CWMartin said...

It's all in how you deal with loss, I guess. Plus, when you deal with social media, you probably have a lot of people who are just "jumpers-on". But not everyone deals with the dead AS dead- for them, it's too painful. Also, you have in there people of faith who consider that their loved ones are looking down on them. Though I am of faith and do NOT particularly believe that deceased loved ones are waiting around for Mothers Day wishes, I respect the feelings of those who do.

Chili Dog said...

I agree with CWM. People deal with the loss of a loved one in very different ways. Facebook is just another means of communication. The nice thing about it is you can avoid on days that get your guile.