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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Roland's Ramblings: My Other Blog

This is a public service announcement for those persons who follow my other blog.

Roland's Ramblings has moved to a new address. The new URL is but the name remains the same - Roland's Ramblings.

This is the third URL for that blog since I first began it way back on July 17, 2004. First it was; then it was; and now, it is

I am grateful to my nephew Jason, who has hosted Roland's Ramblings since Day One.

Incidentally, below is a copy of the very first Roland's Ramblings:

July 17, 2004
Welcome to Roland's Ramblings

Well, I did it. I finally decided to try blogging after having followed the blogs of my son Adam and my nephew Jason for quite a long time.
I call this blog "Roland's Ramblings" because I tend to ramble about life, family, friends, people in general, politics, community, outlooks on life, public affairs, religion, and on and on and on.
Chances are I will at some time offend someone, which is why I hesitated so long in making a decision to join the ever-widening world of bloggers. I do not intend nor do I wish to offend anyone. But, guess what. Don't guess, I will tell you. I am who I am and I tell it as I see it. I am also usually bluntly honest. That is where I usually wind up rustling some feathers. On the other hand, how many people have said "I just wish I could be myself" or have said "I wish people would just be honest with me" or other words to those effects????
So, here we go ---- on with the show.
p.s. My deep appreciate to Jason for setting this Blog up for me. The one big thing is "How do I use this thing?"
Posted by Roland at 09:34 PM

UPDATE (August 21, 2010)

I noticed that some people have been coming over to this Roland Hansen Commentary posting to find my Roland's Ramblings blog. Because of that, I am providing this update to the posting here on Roland Hansen Commentary.

Well, that URL did not last very long at all, only about two months, in fact.

Yet, once again, and for the fourth time, Roland's Ramblings has moved to a new address. The new and hopefully the 'for sure' last URL is

If you missed my first entry on the newest home, I wrote this:

Hello World!
Posted on July 28, 2010 by Roland Hansen

Welcome to the new home of Roland’s Ramblings over here now at

I first started my Roland’s Ramblings blog way back on July 17, 2004. Since my first posting, Roland’s Ramblings has undergone several incarnations with the fourth and hopefully final version being totally of my own creation.

The first three incarnations of Roland’s Ramblings were the result of my nephew, Jason Hansen, setting it all up for me using his computer as a server, that is, if I understand it correctly. Heck, I do not understand all this stuff; I just use it the best I can., At any rate, the first incarnation of July 17, 2004 was under the domain of The second incarnation made its appearance on March 27, 2006 after Jason changed the domain over to The third incarnation came along on May 25, 2010 when Jason switched the domain over to

Then, on July 22, 2010, I received notice from Jason that effective September 1, 2010 he was no longer going to be the conduit for the hosting provider of Roland;s Ramblings. The question then for me was whether I would continue with blogging under a site named Roland’s Ramblings, and if so, how. I had absolutely no idea how to set it all up or how to save all the hard work I had put into the previous Roland’s Ramblings. The first two years of work for the first incarnation had been lost, and it is only through something called the Wayback Machine that I was able to recover some of them but not able to transfer the actual contents thereof onto the newer 2006 version of the Roland’s Ramblings blog itself.

That brings us up to the present. Today, after much careful thought and introspection over the past week, I decided to try to learn how to set up a new home for Roland’s Ramblings and to try to learn how to transfer all my previous work. As I keyboard this entry, I think I have been able to do so successfully. I will be able to ascertain that after I hit the publish button.

If you are reading this, and if you can see all the previous entries, then yell:

And, if that is the case, I can say:
Hello World!

As it turned out, everything works fine and I was able to transfer all my previous entries (well, all of the previous entries from the immediate past two URL homesteads, the first got lost a long time ago). I was also able to reproduce the additional pages from the previous blog URL.

Unfortunately, however, I lost all my sidebar information when somehow within a couple days of having created the new home upon visiting the old URL at, I and everyone else was automatically transported over to the new URL. That happened before I could gather all that information to replicate it on the new URL home. Consequently, l have created an entirely new sidebar for the latest incarnation of Roland's Ramblings.

Check my anthology of writings on a wide variety of subjects in my renewed Roland's Ramblings blog.

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