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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Lucas County Educational Service Center: Transparent and Accountable OR NOT

Sometimes, I just have to wonder at just how responsible is the administration of the Lucas County Educational Service Center, aka LCESC.

My wife, Judy, recently ended 12 years of service on the LCESC Governing Board, having been elected three times to four-year terms. Prior to her service on the Board, I had three four-year elected terms on the Board. I made a conscious decision back in 1997 not to seek re-election to that body due to the lack of support from the other Governing Board members in attempting to have a progressive Board that made policy rather than having an administration that recommended policies which were rubber-stamped by the Board as a whole. For example, I remember a time when I questioned whether the administration documented telephone quotes that were obtained for purchases not requiring competitive bids; I won't mention that fellow Board Member Marcia Helman responded that it wasn't necessary because she trusted the administration. I also won't tell you that the Board was not told by the Superintendent that the Superintendent was an active player and key point person in developing the legislative proposal by State Representative Sally Perz to create chartered community schools in Ohio; I learned of the role of the Superintendent later when I read a book the Superintendent had written that was published. As far as my wife's reason(s) for leaving the Board, it is not my place to say.

All that aside, I am a strong proponent and supporter of the role of ESCs in Ohio; in fact, I have always advocated a larger role because of the financial efficiencies of services to local school districts and consequently the taxpayers.

Okay, so "now what is the gripe?" you may ask. Well, I also believe in responsibility, responsiveness, and accountability, Those are areas in which I believe there is room for improvement of the Lucas County Educational Service Center administration and its Governing Board.

I draw your attention to Judy's Jewels Website Updates. I also draw your attention to a previous Roland Hansen Commentary on the LCESC.

I ask you: Is the Lucas County Educational Service Center transparent and accountable, or not?
ref: all Roland Hansen Commentary entries concerning LCESC

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