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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Barack Obama: A Socialist?

Is Barack Obama a socialist?

Many people seem to think that Barack Obama is a socialist.

Heck, I don't know if Barack Obama a socialist.

Many of the people who label Barack Obama as a socialist allege that Obama's proposal to adopt national health care is socialism and that any proposed public option for national health care is socialism.

Is Social Security socialism?
Is Medicare socialism?
Is the interstate highway system socialism?
Is the national park system socialism?
Is the national monument system socialism?
Is the national memorial system socialism?
Is the national museum system socialism?
Is the national preserves system socialism?
Is the national forest system socialism?
Is the national seashores system socialism?
Is the national trails system socialism?
Is the national military parks system socialism?
Is the public school system socialism?

FYI: Here is a whole List of National Parks and Monuments.

What exactly is socialism?

And, by the way, what does option mean?

Some people do not believe that Barack Obama is a socialist. Click on over to read:
The Capitolist, Patricia Murphy, Columnist: Top U.S. Socialist Says Barack Obama is Not One of Them.
The Washington Post: Obama's No Socialist. I Should Know. By Billy Wharton, Sunday, March 15, 2009.

What do you think? Is Barack Obama a socialist?


Timothy W Higgins said...


I am not sure that I am ready to call President Obama socialist, but will say that his big central government views would at the very least allow me to call him a Progressive.

As to the rest of your list, you may be stretching a point on some of the items in asking the question. One at least however we know is not socialism. Social Security is in fact a government run ponzi scheme.

Roland Hansen said...

Thanks for your comments.

In regards to "you may be stretching a point on some of the items in asking the question., I'm not so sure that it is an unrealistic stretch on my part. None-the-less, I did ask as opposed to profess, proclaim, or state others have alleged. They are all food for thought, IMHO, when one considers the label of socialism.

In regards to "Social Security is in fact a government run ponzi scheme.", my initial response was and is ROFLMAO all the while realizing that you have made a very legitimate analogy. Thanks for a perspective worthy of a thinking mind.