Trolling Not Allowed

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Monday, August 15, 2022

Education Begins At Home.

School starts this month and I want to ask you a favor. 

Sit down with your child for 5 minutes and explain to him or her that being very tall, short, chubby, skinny or a different skin color is not a reason to laugh at someone, nor is it a reason to laugh, make fun of, ridicule, or taunt another student if he or she wears the same shoes every day. Explain to your child that a used backpack carries the same dreams as a new one. Teach your child not to exclude anyone for being "different" or not having the same possibilities that he himself or she herself may have. Explain to your child that teasing hurts. Make sure your child knows that he or she goes to school to learn, not to compete! 

Education begins at home.

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